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Caddy Hack (2023)

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My quick rating – 2.2/10. I came into this flick with low expectations, and even those weren’t met. This flick is clearly a parody of the classic Caddyshack, but it doesn’t even come close to delivering the humor or charm of the original. The plot centers around a struggling golf course plagued by pesticide-mutated gophers, which have turned murderous, leaving the facility’s greedy owner trying to cover it up while a crazed groundskeeper declares war on the pesky critters. While the premise sounds ridiculous enough to be entertaining and very familiar, the execution is painfully bad. The gophers, which are supposed to be the stars of this carnage, look like plush toys you’d win at a fair, and it’s impossible to take anything seriously when they’re on screen. The special effects are truly abysmal, and calling them “special” is being far too generous. The acting performances are equally dubious, with many of the actors unable to hold a straight face while delivering their lines. There’s an almost palpable sense that no one involved could take the film seriously, and neither could I. One example of the absurdity is the gophers sneaking into a convenience store in trench coats to buy beer with a fake ID. It’s as stupid as it sounds, but not in the fun, campy way you’d hope for in a film like this. This film tries to embrace its low-budget, silly concept, but it fails miserably. The gophers party, the humans flounder through terrible dialogue, and the “carnage” is laughably underwhelming. I wanted to enjoy it, but even with my expectations in check, this movie was more of a chore than a guilty pleasure. Pathetic special effects and amateurish performances make this a rough watch, even for fans of so-bad-it’s-good cinema like me.

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