My quick rating – 4.1/10. A guilty pleasure movie for sure. Apparently, the recent spat of “Kickboxer” movies have done just enough to get this director (Dimitri Logothetis) a bit of budget. So he takes the helm on this poorly written mosh of “Predator” and “Mortal Kombat” This one involves the predator-like alien that travels to Earth every 6 years to honorably fight 9 (or was it 8) warriors Mortal Kombat style. That is how the ripoff goes. This has been going on for centuries (with no explanation of how it keeps going. Are the earthlings winning every 6 years?) and this ancient warrior passed along the art of jiu-jitsu. They may as well have just called it “martial arts” since they are using the term as a generic description anyway. So half or more of the movie is them not explaining why the star has no memory or what he is even there for. This really is all just filler to get us to some decent fight scenes, at times I must stress, at times. Other times they are downright terrible.
There are a couple of interesting showcases done using a GoPro-style camera that looked good but just wasn’t utilized properly. And then there is the money man (for many reasons) Nicolas Cage. He plays “Raiden” basically lol. Wise, speaks in riddles, tries to help you without telling you shit. That guy. Perfect for Cage really. If you are a fan like me, you’ll be fine with his performance. No extended painful expressions, just trying to stomach him being a skilled swordsman and “jiu jitsu-er”. They basically make fun of it, so I suppose I can as well. Then there is the predator. It is in the invisible mode for a short bit, and then stops caring and is seen past that. Has a cool-looking face thing that appears to show the faces of previous victims. Oh, yeah, if you don’t fight him, or fight dirty, guns, etc. he/she, IT? will destroy EVERYTHING. They stress that so I will as well. How is the Earth still existing? The movie is a frustrating mess that would not stand a chance in a theater in any other year but 2020. The story flips on through comic book art-styled pages, which I am always a sucker for, and the action is hit or miss. In the end, you’ll love or hate it, but for me it is just a guilty pleasure. Bottom rated flick on IMDB? Not even close, there are just not enough ratings for the real #turkey material out there.

I want to watch this just to experience everything thing you have written in the review. I will dive into the ridiculousness.
My rating of a four was bold, so that 9 is, well, we shall see what you have to say after watching it. (I better look into the ability to comment without rating, huh?)