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The Platform (2019)

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My quick rating – 7,4/10. Fairly timely, with all the hoarding of food. Two people per level in a prison cell. Food drops down to each level for 2 minutes, once per day. Eat what you can, that is all you get. The higher levels start with the full spread of food and slowly as the greed takes over and the food drops lower, the less there is. Sounds simple enough, and basic? Not in the slightest. This movie does so much with such a simple concept it is quite astounding. Without giving anything away, I will say find this one on Netflix if you have it, stat. A great find. The acting is unique to each character and their quirks. The solitude of the design is so basic and effective. This is truly how to succeed with flying colors on next to no budget, nor one needed when all involved shine.

The Platform (2019) #jackmeatsflix
The Platform (2019)

This one is still exclusive to Netflix.

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